More than 50000 crores were spent directly on organising these games and a lot of money was also spent on marketing these games so that the "gora saabs" spread all over the world could say two words of applause for our able government. However, as luck would have, Mr. Kalmadi and Mr. Gill could only draw flak for their HARD Work in organising these games from India and other nations.
The final question still remains unanswered, DID WE REALLY NEEDED THESE GAMES AT ALL????
What would these games give to our country? Development......not at all!!!
- Can these games bring smiles to millions of my country men living in Bihar, UP and Orissa who have just lost everything in floods? NO
- Can these games give roads to all those people in Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Bihar, MP where travelling on ground is more dangerous than travelling by air? NO
- Can these games give education to those unfortunate children whose parents cannot afford the costs of modern professional education? NO
- Can these games give cloth to millions of my countrymen who are still following Mahatma Gandhi's dressing sense out of their poverty?NO
- And, lastly, can these games provide bread to all those hungry stomachs who stand outside McDonald with wide eyes wondering about the price of a roti and the price of a McBurger? NO, NO, NO
I leave it to you to decide, what these commonWEALTH games will give to our WEALTHless country
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